Past Events

Vacancy: Post-Primary Inspector with the Department of Education and Skills


Monday 27 May 2019

Vacancy: Post-Primary Inspector with the Department of Education and Skills

DES: Interested in becoming a Post-Primary Inspector with the Department of Education and Skills?

The Public Appointments Service launched a recruitment competition for Post-Primary Inspectors of Irish, Chemistry and or Biology, Italian, Geography, History and Computer Science on 24 May. The closing date for applications is 13 June 2019. Full details available on

An bhfuil suim agat a bheith i do chigire iar-bunscoile leis an Roinn Oideachais agus Scileanna?

D’fhogair an Coimisiún um Cheapacháin Seirbhísí Poiblí comortas earcaíochta do chigirí iar-bhunscoile Gaeilge, Ceimice agus nó Bitheolaíochta, Iodáilise, Tíreolaíochta, Staire agus Ríomheolaíochta ar an 24ú Bealtaine. Is é an 13ú Meitheamh an data deireanach d’iarrataisí. Tuilleadh sonraí ar

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