Past Events

Student Voice: Invitation to Participate in a Brief Research Project Survey


Tuesday 26 May 2020

Student Voice: Invitation to Participate in a Brief Research Project Survey

Craig Skerritt:

My name is Craig Skerritt and I am currently undertaking research on stakeholders’ views on student voice in Irish post-primary school classrooms. This research is part of a PhD being funded by Dublin City University. As this is an under-explored area in Irish education, this research is particularly concerned with exploring how student voice is enacted in schools, especially at the classroom level, and if there is a difference in how student voice plays out in schools based on school patronage and/or socio-economic setting.

I would be very grateful if you could spare 15-20 minutes to complete the following online questionnaire: 

The more responses submitted, the more useful the findings will be, so your participation would be very much appreciated.

Project Title: Stakeholders’ views on student voice in Irish post-primary school classrooms

Researcher: Craig Skerritt, Centre for Evaluation, Quality and Inspection, Dublin City University


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