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Statement from Minister Foley - State Examinations


Friday 5 February 2021

Statement from Minister Foley - State Examinations

Minister Foley announces a new phase of planning for the State Examinations to include both the provision of Leaving Certificate examinations and also exploring a corresponding non-examination process


Following a series of intensive engagements of the sub-group of the Advisory Group of stakeholders on planning for the State examinations, including a further meeting held today, Minister for Education Norma Foley TD has announced a new phase of planning for the State Examinations.

The Subgroup meetings have enabled education partners to come to a shared understanding of the challenges facing the State Examinations this year and the urgency in meeting them.

The Minister is now inviting these education stakeholders to participate in intensive, confidential bilateral discussions with Department officials to progress work on two distinct processes for Leaving Certificate 2021: planning for examinations and scoping out a corresponding measure, different to examinations that can also be offered to students. Discussions on Junior Cycle examinations will continue in these engagements. Read statement

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