Past Events

Leaving Certificate Results


Tuesday 13 August 2019

Leaving Certificate Results

We would very much like to congratulate all of those students who are receiving their Leaving Certificate results and on reaching this significant milestone in their lives to date. Completing second-level education is an achievement that warrants satisfaction and a sense of pride, and which we hope has helped to prepare our young people for all that will follow. It is an exciting time, for students and parents alike, and there is such a myriad of choice now available to people who are looking at career path and future options.

We know that great work has been done by those who make up the communities in our schools in supporting students and parents in reaching this juncture. Much of the strength of the school system in this country is predicated on the calibre and work of those engaged in management and as teachers in our local communities and they can also take satisfaction in the achievements of their students to date. We know, too, that today and in this and future weeks staff will be available to students in schools to assist them in looking at and considering the options that might be available to them, and we would urge that those students uncertain or unsure as to how to now proceed would talk and seek advice and take what time they can in deciding next steps.

It is, of course, inevitable that on a day such as this there is disappointment; in such an instance, we can be sensitive, listen and talk, and help in every way that we can. A kind word can be invaluable, the assurance that assistance is available in many forms, and the reassurance perhaps that this is an age when an array of career paths, options and possibilities are open to so many. Whatever about result and achievement and the statistics that will emerge, what is most important for all of those in receipt of their results today is that each of ours feels celebrated and supported.

Those of us charged with management in education in this country will continue to explore the possibilities of building on and improving the rich legacy of education we have. We are all charged with trying to ensure that educational provision matches new and emerging needs, and especially that all of our young people have choices and the opportunity to progress to Further and Higher Education. 
We believe that we can be justifiably proud of the young people we have collectively served to educate, and who in so many ways continue to educate us. Again, many congratulations to all of you who received your results today, and on this step to the promise of tomorrow.

John Curtis, General Secretary

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