The JMB Education Conference ‘Faith in our Schools: Creideamh – Culture – Curriculum’ took place on Thursday 14th September at The Hogan Suite, Croke Park Conference Centre.
The aim of the Conference was to support school management and teachers in living-out their mission to educate young people in a spirit or ethos that acknowledges a place for the sacred and supports our shared need for meaning-making.
As well as a series of excellent and relevant workshops, Conference participants heard wonderful and engaging keynote presentations from V Rev Maria Jansson, Dean of Waterford and Aidan Mathews, novelist, poet and broadcaster.
Participant feedback via an online survey indicated an extremely high degree of satisfaction with the event and its components. Enormous thanks are due to our Conference Organisers led by Cathy Glavey, the JMB National Curriculum Advisory Group and the other professional and hardworking members of staff of Emmet House.
Very Revd Maria Jansson, Dean of Waterford - Keynote Address (Video)
Aidan Mathews, poet, novelist, dramatist and broadcaster - Keynote Address (Video)