Past Events

Allocations and operation/application and deployment of SEN resources


Monday 10 February 2025

Allocations and operation/application and deployment of SEN resources

Allocations and operation/application and deployment of SEN resources

Allocations and operation/application and deployment of SEN resources

JMB will this year present two seminars in eight venues around the country.

Two Seminars, One Day

 1. Staffing Allocations 

This session will provide an overview of the allocations process, how the allocation is arrived at for your school, completing returns for the DE, redeployment, EAL, allocation for new subjects and examples of eligibility for CIDs.  Individual consultations with JMB staff will take place after the seminar as required.  We are delighted and very appreciative that Mr Gabriel Martin, Department of Education, with overall responsibility for allocations will attend and speak at each seminar.  This session is primarily aimed at principals, however deputy principal’s or those involved in timetabling are also welcome.  

2. The operation/application and deployment of Special Education Teacher resources

Mr Patrick Kelly, Specialist Lead – Post Primary Education and Curriculum, National Council for Special Education will present this seminar and discuss how best school can operate and deploy the SEN allocation to comply with good practice and Circular 0064/2024. Particular reference will be made to the timetable and the acceptable use of SEN   hours. It will provide an overview and discussions on the Continuum of Support Framework, clarification of roles, student support files, student support plan, effective planning and co-ordination.

Who should attend:

School principals, chairpersons, deputy principals and those who have responsibility for decisions regarding the curriculum, timetabling and staffing.  

To register:  please click here

Cost: €85

Training Programme:  

Registration, Tea and Coffee from 09.30-10.00

10.00-13.00 Allocations 

13.00-14.00 Lunch  

14.00-16.00 NCSE – Operation/deployment of Special Education Teacher Resources  


Monday           24th Feb           Dublin             Talbot Hotel-Stillorgan

Tuesday          25th Feb           Athlone           Sheraton Hotel

Thursday         27th Feb           Sligo                Glasshouse Hotel

Friday             28th Feb           Galway            Menlo Park Hotel

Tuesday          4th Mar             Limerick         Dunraven Arms Hotel Adare

Wednesday     5th Mar             Cork                Maryborough Hotel

Thursday         6th Mar             Kilkenny         Newpark Hotel

Friday              7th Mar             Dublin             Crown Plaza-Blanchardstown


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