Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin
Tuesday 17th September 9.00am – 5.00pm
Wednesday 18th September 9.30am – 5.00pm
Thursday 19th September 9.00am – 4.15 pm
To register please click here
The JMB professional learning programme for newly appointed Principals comprises two residential sessions in June 2024 and November 2024 (Late Appointees in September) and a further day of training in January 2025. The programme aims at equipping participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to be effective leaders in their schools. The programme explores the multifaceted responsibilities inherent in the role of Principal from instructional leadership and curriculum development to student welfare and community engagement. Additionally, participants engage with essential topics to assist them in their leadership role. Newly appointed Principals will engage in networking with colleagues and JMB staff and build relationships to support them as they take on this exciting challenge.
Phase 1 of training will consist of a three-day Professional Learning Programme which will include:
- Introduction to JMB
- Anti-Bullying Policy for School Staff
- Building Leadership Capacity- Middle Leadership and Management
- Child Protection Procedures
- Current Education Issues
- Dynamics of Meetings
- Employment of Staff: Strategies, Pitfalls and Best Practices
- Implementing the Code of Behaviour
- GDPR -Data Protection Regulations
- Online Claims System
- Principal as Leader and Secretary to the Boards of Management
- Standardised School Year, M58/04 and Croke Park Hours
- Strategic Planning/SSE/MLL/Inspections
- Supervision and Substitution
- Working with Parents/Guardians
Cost: €450 for training (this does not include accommodation)
Newly appointed Principals and Deputy Principals are invited to dinner on Tuesday 17th September at 6.00pm with JMB staff.
Accommodation may be booked in the Talbot Stillorgan Hotel, Stillorgan. A preferential rate has been agreed but this offer is limited and given on a first come basis, please contact the reservations team at 01 2186000 and quote JMB when booking.
€159 Single Occupancy Bed & Breakfast
€179 Double Occupancy Bed & Breakfast
If the name of the new principal or deputy principal is not known yet, it is advisable to book a room in the school’s name and details can be amended when the appointment is made.
To avail of these special rates, rooms must be booked by the 30th of August 2024