JMB Education Law Day 2024 - December 2nd Athlone

In partnership with Mason Hayes & Curran, and its team of leading lawyers in education, JMB is hosting a one-day seminar on legal matters that impact daily on schools.  This is an opportunity not to be missed in ensuring that you have the latest advice, updates,  clarifications and recent case law.

To register: Please click here

Monday December 2,  2024 from 9.15am to 3.30pm.

Venue: Hodson Bay Hotel,  Athlone.   Fee: €60

09.15-10.00        Registration

                             Tea, Coffee & Refreshments

10.00-11.15        Introduction and Welcome

Protected Disclosures Act 2014, as amended by the Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022.Presentation, recent cases, scenarios and  Q&A

11.15-11.45        Tea, Coffee & Refreshments

11.45-13.00        Section 29 Appeals

                             Presentation, scenarios, recent S29 Appeals, recent  judicial reviews,  Q&A

13.00-14.15        Lunch

14.15-15.30        Parents/Guardianship/Custody.

                             Presentation, scenarios, recent cases, Q&A

This practical seminar is for Chairpersons, Principals and Deputy Principals.

Cost: €60

Who should you attend?

The seminar will  provide you with the opportunity to discuss how recent legislation, case law,   queries to JMB & MHC  and judicial reviews impacts school policies and dealing with complex issues. The seminar will provide advice and clarifications on how  to mitigate risks in relation to:    

  • “Whistleblowing” - more formally known as making a 'protected disclosure  in accordance with the Protected Disclosures Act 2014, as amended by the Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022.   
  • Section 29 Appeals - Section 29 of the Education Act, 1998, gives parents (and students who have reached the age of 18) the right to appeal certain decisions made by a school's  board of management, or a person acting on behalf of the board of management, to the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Science.
  • Parents/Guardianship/Custody and the implications for schools with regards to managing applications from Admissions to schools to dealing with different scenarios with parents and guardians.    

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